Pool Sessions

Kayak Pool Sessions

  • Thursday 3rd October 8pm
  • Saturday  12 Oct  4pm  
  • Thurs  24th Oct 8pm 
  • Saturday 9 Nov 4pm  
  • Saturday 23 Nov 4pm  
  • Saturday 7 Dec  4pm    

All sessions are  at Blue Coats School in Sonning - Postcode: RG4 6SU. (What3words: https://what3words.com/admiral.lollipop.bandwagon)

Pool sessions are a great way to practice skills and get confident doing wet exits, support strokes, and learning to roll in the warm and comfortable heated pool, or just have fun.

If you plan to come along please aim to be ~ 15 mins before the start, to unload boats and bring them into the poolside, and change. 

I will wash out some club boats, and if you  need to borrow one pls let me know.   If you are bringing your own boat please make sure it is clean!

The cost per session is £10 for adults, £5 for juniors  ( third session free !)  (also free if you are spending the session actively coaching, and helping others) 

Goggles and nose clips can be a good idea, but not essential.

Younger juniors are very welcome, but depending how confident they are in the water, having a parent in the pool with them or on the side keeping a close eye  is a good idea.

New and prospective members welcome. Please contact contactus@wokinghamcanoeclub.co.uk